Licensing Policy

Under no circumstance may you redistribute, resell, lease, license, sub-license or make available our products as is or with superficial modifications to any site, platform, marketplace or other third party, even if the redistribution is for free. This includes uploading our products on a media-sharing website and sharing download links, offering our product files as a separate attachment from any of your work, or creating a product that replicates One Dollar Icons offering.

This license grants you, the purchaser, a non-exclusive worldwide license to make use of the product you have purchased under our licensing terms.

You can…

  • You are permitted to use the products for an unlimited number of personal projects/units and up to 30 projects/units for commercial projects, for yourself or for a client.

  • You can use the products in both print and digital formats.

  • You can modify the products to create your own custom icons according to your needs. There is no need to attribute or link back to Co-motion Studio; however, credit is always appreciated.

You cannot…

  • You cannot redistribute, resell, lease, license, sub-license or make available our products as is or with superficial modifications to any site, platform, marketplace or other third party even if the redistribution is for free.

  • You cannot release our products as stock, in a tool or template, or with source files, even if modified.

  • You cannot use our products for a print business reselling the designs on garments or other printable items. One Dollar Icons has its own apparel and accessories store.

This license is exclusive to the use of the products purchased and downloaded from All products are designed by Co-motion Studio and protected by copyright laws.

Any violation of this licensing policy may result in a copyright, trademark or other intellectual property right infringement that may subject the end user to civil and/or criminal penalties.

If you are unsure about what you can and cannot do, please contact us.